Sunday, 11 May 2008

Biasism in Gaming: Is It Ruining an Otherwise Perfect Industry?

We'll always have fanboys for each console or each of the big 3. Xbots for the Xbox as well as fanboys for the Playstation and Nintendo.

Well, if you had have asked me about 3 years ago, I'd have been a total fanboy of the Playstation 2 but then again, who wasn't considering that Playstation 2 was, and actually is, the most successful console of all time (100,000,000 sales says it all really)

But I guess if you are a gamer for so long, you start to mature a bit as a gamer. On average now, people have up to 2 of the 3 current gen consoles with only a few (myself included) having all 3 with most people going for a 360 and Wii combo while others go for the PS3 and 360 combo.

Since the time of me looking forward in excitement at that time when I was a PS2 fanboy to the PSP which was due 4 months after the announcement and unveil of Playstation 3, the now defunct PSX entertainment system (If you know what that is click here) which if you thought was the PS3 at first, you'd be forgiving as it could have well been and of course, the Playstation 3 itself.

But since them 3 years, I have to admit I have mostly grown up as a gamer in all honesty...well, when I say mostly, I was still in love with getting the PS3 but had my 360 and Gears of War to do me then and I also thought the Wii was a novelty.

But while I experienced so much joy and great gaming with my PS2 (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater without a doubt the best game I've ever played on my PS2, what happened to The Boss brought a tear to my eye literally after what happened), I've run into even more joy and fantastic gaming, even more so at last by finally getting online last year (Sadly, no online right now but it should be back soon pending on 3rd party stuff ¬_¬) helped even further by experiencing fantastic games on the PS3 and 360 over the past year such as Gears of War's Multiplayer (Can not wait to play Gridlock in 2), Halo 3 (The story was just brillant, much better then Halo 2's. Level 7 is probably the most epic level in gaming and the multiplayer is the best in gaming right now) as well as The Orange Box (One hell of a great deal with Half Life 2: Episode Two being the finest episodic gaming I've ever played, Portal being the most innovitive game I've ever played and Team Fortress 2 being the most funny multiplayer I've ever played in my life) and of course...Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

As well as all that, the Playstation 3's free online service on the Playstation Network has sent me some great fun with Warhawk, Singstar, Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of Man as well as a great story mode in the PS3's best game yet (Which is a exclusive so GTA IV doesn't count), Uncharted: Drakes Fortune.

And despite the fact that I only got my Wii a few months ago, I am enjoying Super Mario Galaxy and when it eventually comes out, Super Smash Brothers Brawl should be amazing.

What it basiclly means (Hang tight, we'll get to the subject at hand) is that as long as your true to your beliefs, there shouldnt be biasism, not in this business anyways. Sadly, GameTrailers has seen fit to have money over values and beliefs.

Now, in all honesty, I'll try and keep the reviews as honest as I can be and all the reviews posted on the site so far have been to my true feelings of the game (But I do think now, having looked back on it, Motorstorm didnt deserve a 9.6. Deserves a 9...but not 9.6) and any other reviews that will be posted on the site by someone other then myself will be kept to their true thoughts of the game.

But what GameTrailers has done with it biasism for money from Microsoft has seen the sites moral values go out the windows and is quickly turning into something similar to the Gamespot controversy which if you remember saw Jeff Gerstmann fired from Gamespot over his review of Eidos' Kane & Lynch: Dead Men despite the massive advertisement boardings on the site.

Quite frankly, if Microsoft has been paying GameTrailers (and Eurogamer seems suspiciously bias towards the Xbox 360 as well, as probably evidenced by their GTA IV comparison on their site despite the fact several other sites labeled the PS3 verison the best, even we couldn't tell the difference on both), it may seem that they care about money more then the consumers compared to Sony and Nintendo.

Peter Moore, now at EA Sports, only issued a statement last year while he was at Microsoft just before the E3 conference for Microsoft extended the 3 year warranty on RROD effected Xbox 360's. At this time, it could have been thought at that time, despite his brash insults on PS3 and Wii, he was setting the rules at Redmond and doing it well.

2 weeks later, he was gone to EA.

And since then, while the quailty of games for the Xbox 360 hasnt dipped since then (Halo 3, Mass Effect, Project Gotham Racing 4 to name a few), the quailty of Microsoft has dipped with an announcement coming on Tuesday at Playstation Day that the Playstation 3 has overtaken the Xbox 360 in sales in Europe.

And they now know that sales of the PS3 are on the up while sales of the 360 are going down or steady with a possibillty that despite a year headstart on the Wii and PS3, the 360 COULD potentually end up 3rd in the console war.

And this is why there could be such cases of Microsoft paying sites to give 360 games the upperhand in Multiplatform games such as Assassins Creed, Grand Theft Auto IV and paying sites to give the Xbox 360 verison a better score then the PS3 verison (Could they have had a hand in the controversial review of Assassins Creed by IGN last year?)

TBH, we dont know what happens behind closed doors. I just hope that very soon all this of publishers, developers and even the big 3 paying off sites for great reviews of the game and would instead go back to the moral instinct of the gamer and of how he truly feels about the game...but in all honesty, it wont happen...not for now anyways.

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